Department of Medical Informatics
University Medical Center Göttingen
View primary antibody
Basic data
PID | primary-0117 |
EPIC PID | primary-0117 |
Research group | RG Hillen |
Quality (mean) | no score (0.00) |
Sharing level | Public |
Antibody data
Antigen symbol | MRPL11 |
Antibody Registry ID(s) | AB_2683502 |
Name | Anti-MRPL11 Antibody |
Alternative name | |
Lab ID | |
Tag / Fluorophore | |
Raised in | rabbit |
Reacts with | |
Clone | |
Isotype | IgG |
Clonality | polyclonal |
Demasking | unknown |
Antigen | |
Crafted By | company |
Company / Manufacturer | Atlas Antibodies |
Catalog no. | HPA057685 |
Lot no. | |
Description | |
Localization | |
Storage instruction | Store at +4°C for short term storage. Long time storage is recommended at -20°C. |
Receipt date | 2024-09-06 00:00:00 |
Preparation date | 2024-09-06 00:00:00 |
Created by | Kusch, Harald |
Last modified | Kusch, Harald |
External links
Antibodypedia | - |
HGNC | |
Wikipedia | |
Uniprot | |
GeneCards | |
Antibody Registry | |
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Linked publications
FASTKD5 processes mitochondrial pre-mRNAs at non-canonical cleavage sites
Antonicka H, Weraarpachai W, Vučković A, Hillen HS, Shoubridge EA
bioRxiv 2024 : 10.1101/2024.07.18.603998